Week 4 Class Notes

Opening Video: Tilt Brush

Section One Test is Coming

There will be a test at the beginning of week six’s class. This test will include one or two programming challenges and a written portion. The challenges will require a good understanding of the concepts introduced in the first five weeks of the class. The written portion will include questions related to javascript and p5. The test will be open Internet, you can consult any Internet references you wish during the test.

Week 3 Challenge Overview

Global vs Function Scope

The example above is from last week. What happens if position is declared inside draw?

More Javascript Syntax

What to KnowWhat to Do
arrayscontrol structures if, for
data objectsfunctions
What to Know + What to Do
Object Oriented Programming


A functions is a named procedure, set of instructions to preform a specific task.

Functions in the MDN Guide

There are many benefits to using functions:

The basic syntax for a function looks like this:

function name() {
    // what to do

You have already created functions in all of your programs, setup and draw are functions you have defined.

Naming Functions

Choosing good names for functions is important. Function names should concisely describe what the function does. Good function names usually start with verbs. Use camel case when naming functions and be sure the first letter is lowercase (by convention starting a function name with an uppercase letter has special meaning related to Object Oriented Programming).

Defining and Calling Functions

In this example, the code for drawing the target has been pulled out of drawand put into a function named drawTarget. This makes the code easier to read, but functions can offer more that this. The function is defined starting on line 16, and called on line 12.


Parameters are values that you pass to a function when you call it. When you define the function you list the parameter names. These will work like variables (they are variables) inside your function. The values of these parameters are specified inside the parenthesis when you call the function.

Return Value

function addNumbers(a, b) {
    return a + b;

var sum = addNumbers(2, 2);
// 4


An array is an ordered set of values.

Assigning and Accessing Array Values

Using an Array

Data Objects

A object is a collection of named values.

Assigning and Accessing Object Values

Using a Data Object


This week’s homework is to recreate a series of small programs (challenges).

Read the Assignment Prompt

View the Challenges

View the Assignment Repo